Sjabloon:Related websites card

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Versie door Gemma (overleg | bijdragen) op 1 dec 2020 om 16:49
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This is the "Related websites card" template. It should be called in the following format:

{{Related websites card
|Card title=The title of the card, default is: Related websites
|Read more=Put the page you want to refer to when you click on read more here (Fullurl is already included) default is Main Page
|Website 1=A website that is related to this portal
|Text website 1= The text you want to show for the website
|Website 2=A website that is related to this portal
|Text website 2= The text you want to show for the website
|Website 3=A website that is related to this portal
|Text website 3= The text you want to show for the website
|Website 4=A website that is related to this portal
|Text website 4= The text you want to show for the website
|Website 5=A website that is related to this portal
|Text website 5= The text you want to show for the website

Edit the page to see the template text.